{% extends "facebook/canvas" %} {% load facebook %} {% load listify %} {% load tableify %} {% block title %}People: {{ person }}{% endblock %} {% block body %}
{% if user %}{% else %}{% person_picture person n %}{% endif %}
{% with person.login_set.all as logins %} {% if logins or laptops %}
{% if logins %}{% if user %} areis{% else %}{{ person.first_name }} is{% endif %} logged in to {% listify login in logins %}{% if login.local %}{% endif %}{{ login.computer.sword }}{% if login.local %}{% endif %}{% endlistify %}{% endif %}{% if laptops %}{% if logins %}; {% endif %}{% if not default_person %}{% if user %} areis{% else %}{{ person.first_name }} is{% endif %} using {% listify laptop in laptops %}{{ laptop.laptop_name }}{% endlistify %}{% else %}{% regroup laptops by user as laptop_list %}{% for item in laptop_list %}{% with item.grouper as user %}{% with item.list as laptops %}{% if not forloop.first %}; {% endif %}{% if user %} areis{% else %}{{ person.first_name }} is{% endif %} using {% listify laptop in laptops %}{{ laptop.laptop_name }}{% endlistify %}{% endwith %}{% endwith %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% endif %}.
{% endif %} {% endwith %} {% with person.delicious_user_set.all as delicious_users %} {% with delicious_users.0 as delicious_user %} {% with bookmarks|length as bookmarks_length %}

{% if not default_person %}{% if delicious_user %}
{% ifnotequal bookmarks_length delicious_user.count %}{{ bookmarks_length }} of {% endifnotequal %}{% if delicious_user.count %}{{ delicious_user.count }}{% else %}No{% endif %} bookmarks.
{% else %}No bookmarks.{% endif %}{% else %}{% if bookmarks %}{% ifnotequal bookmarks_length bookmarks_count %}{{ bookmarks_length }} of {% endifnotequal %}{% endif %}{% if bookmarks_count %}{{ bookmarks_count }}{% else %}No{% endif %} bookmarks.{% endif %}

{% if not default_person %}{% if delicious_user %}{% if user %}{% else %}{{ person.first_name }}{% endif %} is {{ delicious_user }} on del.icio.us.
Th{{ bookmarks|pluralize:"is is,ese are" }} {% if user %}{% else %}{{ person.pronoun_possessive }}{% endif %} bookmark{{ bookmarks|pluralize }} tagged ccscslab:{% else %}{% if user %}You haven't associated{% else %}{{ person.first_name }}{% endif %} hasn't associated{% if user %} {% else %} {{ person.pronoun_possessive }}{% endif %} Lab account with {% if user %}{% else %}{{ person.pronoun_possessive }}{% endif %} del.icio.us account.{% endif %}{% else %}{% if delicious_users %}{% for delicious_user in delicious_users %}{% if not forloop.first %}; {% endif %}{% if delicious_user.user %}{% else %}{{ person.first_name }}{% endif %} is {{ delicious_user }} on del.icio.us{% endfor %}.
{% endif %}{% if not delicious_associated %}You haven't associated your Lab account with your del.icio.us account.{% if delicious_users %}
{% endif %}{% else %}{% if not delicious_users %}Nobody has associated their Facebook account with their del.icio.us account.{% endif %}{% endif %}{% if delicious_users %}Th{{ bookmarks|pluralize:"is is,ese are" }} {% if not delicious_users|length_is:"1" %}their{% else %}{% if delicious_user.user %}{% else %}{{ person.pronoun_possesive }}{% endif %}{% endif %} bookmark{{ bookmarks|pluralize }} tagged {% if not delicious_users|length_is:"1" %}ccscslab{% else %}ccscslab{% endif %}:{% endif %}{% endif %}
{% if not default_person %} {% if delicious_user.title %}

{{ delicious_user.title }}

{% endif %} {% if delicious_user.description %}{{ delicious_user.description }}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% include "facebook/person-bookmarks" %}
{% endwith %} {% endwith %} {% endwith %}
{% if user %} {% endif %} {% with person.userprofile_set.get as user_profile %} {% if user_profile %} {% if user_profile.user.email %} {% endif %} {% for screenname in user_profile.screenname_set.all %} {% endfor %} {% if user_profile.phone %} {% endif %} {% if user_profile.website %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endwith %}
{% for affiliation in user.affiliations %}{% include "facebook/person-network" %}
{% endfor %}
{% if person.get_shell_url %}{{ person.shell }}{% else %}{{ person.shell }}{% endif %}
{{ screenname.get_service_display }}:
{% if screenname.get_absolute_url %}{{ screenname }}{% else %}{{ screenname }}{% endif %}
{{ user_profile.phone }}
{% if default_person %}


{% if users %}Displaying {{ users|length }} pe{{ users|pluralize:"rson,ople" }}.{% else %}No people.{% endif %}

{% if users %}
{% tableify user in users %} {% endtableify %}
{% else %}
There are no people associated with the {{ person }} account.
{% endif %} {% endif %}


No projects.

Figure this out!


{% if person.plan %} {{ person.plan|target_blankify|safe }} {% else %} {% if user %}{% else %}{{ person.first_name }}{% endif %} do{% if user %}es{% else %}es{% endif %}n't have a .plan file. {% if not default_person and user %}

You can create one by logging into one of the lab computers and using your favorite text editor.

{% endif %} {% endif %}


{% if person.project %} {{ person.project|target_blankify|safe }} {% else %} {% if user %}{% else %}{{ person.first_name }}{% endif %} do{% if user %}es{% else %}es{% endif %}n't have a .project file. {% if not default_person and user %}

You can create one by logging into one of the lab computers and using your favorite text editor.

{% endif %} {% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block js %} {% endblock %} {% block id %}$Id${% endblock %} {# vim: set filetype=htmldjango: #}