{% extends "base" %} {% load listify %} {% load main %} {% block head %} {% endblock %} {% block body %}


Mayor Richard Daley welcomes you to the UCSB College of Creative Studies
Computer Science Laboratory!

As a CCS Computer Science student, you have the privilege of using this unique
resource to enhance your studies of computer science. In the lab we strive to
give you a diverse set of tools on as many platforms as possible.

As the computer lab's administrator, I, Douglas Thrift, intend to provide a lab
atmosphere that is much more open and friendly than those of other computer
science labs to which you have access. If you would like specific things
installed, or if you would like help learning to use the tools we have, feel
free to talk to me about it when I am in the lab, or to contact me via phone
(805-323-6848) or email (douglas@douglasthrift.net).

{% if not user.is_authenticated %} {% include "main/login-login" %} {% else %} {% for post in posts %} {% endfor %}
Webcam People

{{ webcam.updated|timezoneify|date:"Y-m-d H:i:s T" }}
{% regroup logins by person as people %}{% if not people %}None{% else %}{% for person_ in people %}{% with person_.grouper as person %}{{ person }} Logged in to {% listify login in person_.list %}{% with login.computer as computer %}{{ computer.sword }}{% endwith %}{% endlistify %}
{% endwith %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}
{% regroup laptops by person as people %}{% if not people %}None{% else %}{% for person_ in people %}{% with person_.grouper as person %}{{ person }} Using {% listify laptop in person_.list %}{{ laptop.laptop_name }}{% endlistify %}
{% endwith %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}
Computer Roles
{% for role in roles %}{{ role.full_name }}
{% endfor %}
The Wall del.icio.us ccscslab
{% if bookmarks %}
{% for bookmark in bookmarks %}
{{ bookmark.description }}
{% if bookmark.notes %}
{{ bookmark.notes }}
{% endif %}
by: {{ bookmark.user }}
tags: {% for tag in bookmark.get_tags %}{{ tag }}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}
{% if bookmark.others %}
saved by: {{ bookmark.others }} other pe{{ bookmark.others|pluralize:"rson,ople" }}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{{ post.person }} {{ post.post|safe }}
{% endif %}

Facebook Application, Group

{% endblock %} {% block js %} {% if user.is_authenticated %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block id %}$Id${% endblock %} {# vim: set filetype=htmldjango: #}