"""VideoCapture.py by Markus Gritsch """ import vidcap from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw import time, string default_textpos = 'bl' # t=top, b=bottom; l=left, c=center, r=right textcolor = 0xffffff shadowcolor = 0x000000 def now(): """Returns a string containing the current date and time. This function is used internally by VideoCapture to generate the timestamp with which a snapshot can optionally be marked. """ weekday = ('Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun') #weekday = ('Mo', 'Di', 'Mi', 'Do', 'Fr', 'Sa', 'So') #weekday = ('-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-') y, m, d, hr, min, sec, wd, jd, dst = time.localtime(time.time()) return '%s:%s:%s %s %s.%s.%s' % (string.zfill(hr, 2), string.zfill(min, 2), string.zfill(sec, 2), weekday[wd], d, m, y) class Device: """Create instances of this class which will then represent video devices. For the lifetime of the instance, the device is blocked, so it can not be used by other applications (which is quite normal Windows behavior). If you want to access the device from another program, you have to delete the instance first (e.g. del cam). """ def __init__(self, devnum=0, showVideoWindow=0): """devnum: VideoCapture enumerates the available video capture devices on your system. If you have more than one device, specify the desired one here. The device number starts from 0. showVideoWindow: 0 ... do not display a video window (the default) 1 ... display a video window Mainly used for debugging, since the video window can not be closed or moved around. """ self.dev = vidcap.new_Dev(devnum, showVideoWindow) #self.normalfont = ImageFont.load_path('helvetica-10.pil') #self.boldfont = ImageFont.load_path('helvB08.pil') self.font = None def displayPropertyPage(self): """deprecated Use the methods displayCaptureFilterProperties() and displayCapturePinProperties() instead. """ print 'WARNING: displayPropertyPage() is deprecated.' print ' Use displayCaptureFilterProperties() and displayCapturePinProperties()' print ' instead!' self.dev.displaypropertypage() def displayCaptureFilterProperties(self): """Displays a dialog containing the property page of the capture filter. For VfW drivers you may find the option to select the resolution most likele here. """ self.dev.displaycapturefilterproperties() def displayCapturePinProperties(self): """Displays a dialog containing the property page of the capture pin. For WDM drivers you may find the option to select the resolution most likele here. """ self.dev.displaycapturepinproperties() def setResolution(self, width, height): """Sets the capture resolution. (without dialog) (contributed by Don Kimber ) """ self.dev.setresolution(width, height) def getBuffer(self): """Returns a string containing the raw pixel data. You probably don't want to use this function, but rather getImage() or saveSnapshot(). """ return self.dev.getbuffer() def getImage(self, timestamp=0, boldfont=0, textpos=default_textpos): """Returns a PIL Image instance. timestamp: 0 ... no timestamp (the default) 1 ... simple timestamp 2 ... timestamp with shadow 3 ... timestamp with outline boldfont: 0 ... normal font (the default) 1 ... bold font textpos: The position of the timestamp can be specified by a string containing a combination of two characters. One character must be either t or b, the other one either l, c or r. t ... top b ... bottom l ... left c ... center r ... right The default value is 'bl' """ if timestamp: #text = now() text = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) buffer, width, height = self.getBuffer() if buffer: im = Image.fromstring('RGB', (width, height), buffer, 'raw', 'BGR', 0, -1) if timestamp: if boldfont: self.font = self.boldfont else: self.font = self.normalfont tw, th = self.font.getsize(text) tw -= 2 th -= 2 if 't' in textpos: y = -1 elif 'b' in textpos: y = height - th - 2 else: raise ValueError, "textpos must contain exactly one out of 't', 'b'" if 'l' in textpos: x = 2 elif 'c' in textpos: x = (width - tw) / 2 elif 'r' in textpos: x = (width - tw) - 2 else: raise ValueError, "textpos must contain exactly one out of 'l', 'c', 'r'" draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) if timestamp == 2: # shadow draw.text((x+1, y), text, font=self.font, fill=shadowcolor) draw.text((x, y+1), text, font=self.font, fill=shadowcolor) draw.text((x+1, y+1), text, font=self.font, fill=shadowcolor) else: if timestamp >= 3: # thin border draw.text((x-1, y), text, font=self.font, fill=shadowcolor) draw.text((x+1, y), text, font=self.font, fill=shadowcolor) draw.text((x, y-1), text, font=self.font, fill=shadowcolor) draw.text((x, y+1), text, font=self.font, fill=shadowcolor) if timestamp == 4: # thick border draw.text((x-1, y-1), text, font=self.font, fill=shadowcolor) draw.text((x+1, y-1), text, font=self.font, fill=shadowcolor) draw.text((x-1, y+1), text, font=self.font, fill=shadowcolor) draw.text((x+1, y+1), text, font=self.font, fill=shadowcolor) draw.text((x, y), text, font=self.font, fill=textcolor) return im def saveSnapshot(self, filename, timestamp=0, boldfont=0, textpos=default_textpos, **keywords): """Saves a snapshot to the harddisk. The filetype depends on the filename extension. Everything that PIL can handle can be specified (foo.jpg, foo.gif, foo.bmp, ...). filename: String containing the name of the resulting file. timestamp: see getImage() boldfont: see getImage() textpos: see getImage() Additional keyword arguments can be give which are just passed to the save() method of the Image class. For example you can specify the compression level of a JPEG image by quality=75 (which is the default value anyway). """ self.getImage(timestamp, boldfont, textpos).save(filename, **keywords) #if __name__ == '__main__': #import shutil #shutil.copy('VideoCapture.py', 'C:\Python20\Lib') #shutil.copy('VideoCapture.py', 'C:\Python21\Lib') #shutil.copy('VideoCapture.py', 'C:\Python22\Lib') #shutil.copy('VideoCapture.py', 'C:\Python23\Lib') #shutil.copy('VideoCapture.py', 'C:\Python24\Lib') #shutil.copy('VideoCapture.py', 'C:\Python25\Lib') #~ cam = Device(devnum=0) #~ #cam.displayPropertyPage() ## deprecated #~ #cam.displayCaptureFilterProperties() #~ #cam.displayCapturePinProperties() #~ #cam.setResolution(768, 576) ## PAL #~ #cam.setResolution(352, 288) ## CIF #~ cam.saveSnapshot('test.jpg', quality=75, timestamp=3, boldfont=1)