Source: mod-transform Section: web Priority: optional Maintainer: Douglas William Thrift (douglaswth) Build-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 7), autotools-dev, apache2-threaded-dev, libxml2-dev (>= 2.6.11), libxslt1-dev (>= 1.1.5) Standards-Version: Homepage: Package: libapache2-mod-transform Architecture: any Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, apache2, apache2.2-common, libxml2 (>= 2.6.11), libxslt1.1 (>= 1.1.5) Description: An XSLT and XIncludes Filter module for Apache 2.0 mod_transform is a filter module that allows Apache 2.0 to do dynamic XSL Transformations on either static XML documents, or XML documents generated from another Apache module or CGI program.