Coder's Workshop Douglas Thrift $Id$ Outline 5: Stuff Course web page: Assignment: Do More Stuff Get over your fears of checking in code Why don't you check in code? Why don't you check in code early? Why don't you check in code often? Stop doing that! Come up with a Do More Stuff project What is something that you want to do? Maybe a tool that will help you do a task that you have to do often? Ideas that I have implemented: A program that sends me text messages when my credit card is due A web page with daily and random Jargon File entries (also feeds) A tool to generate a Google Sitemap file from Subversion metadata Tools for showing bookmarks on my site including tags from bundles and thumbnails for flickr picture bookmarks A program that makes the bookmarks on Britta's site have fancy quotes rather than straight quotes A program that makes a site map from my Search Engine's XML index A system of makefiles to keep my site in line and such Talk about your ideas Tell me what you are going to do Maybe even commit the beginnings of your project during class A Look at Type Type Revolution .03 Cody? A Look at Steering Wheel Remote Truck Computer Dooom! USB HID in FreeBSD VMware Server C++ Stuffs BeepRemote from DecentralizedMedia Audacious BMPx and DBUS?